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How to Tell if Your Water Filter Is Working


How to Tell if Your Water Filter Needs Replacement

If you have a water filter of some type connected to your home’s water main, you want to know that it’s doing the job it’s supposed to: providing your family with clean, healthy water. But how can you tell if something is wrong with it? One sign is the water tastes terrible and is filled with obvious contaminants—the contaminants the filter is supposed to remove. You don’t want to get to that point, however, because who actually wants to be put into that situation?

There are other signs you can watch for that will warn you about a failed water filter earlier. When you notice any of these indications that your water filter needs replacing, call for a professional plumber in Palm Harbor, FL to investigate what’s wrong and fix or replace the faulty water filter. (Please don’t try to tamper with it on your own, as you may make the problem worse and create water pressure problems in the plumbing.)

  • A slow decrease in water pressure. If water pressure in the fixtures around the house has dropped steadily, you may have a filter that is completely clogged up and needs to be replaced. The drop in water pressure can come from other sources, such as extensive leaking. This is one of the reasons you must have a plumber to check on the situation. If it’s a filter issue, the plumber can change the filter. But if it’s a leak issue—a major problem—the plumber will catch it as well so it can be repaired.

  • Checked the outside of the filter. Some filters come with lights that will activate when the filter isn’t working or needs to be changed out for a new filter. Make sure you are familiar with how your filter works: check its manual to see if there are warning signs to watch for. Some filters can be visually inspected for a build-up of too much debris as well.

  • Drains or faucets start to make odd noises. This is a common warning sign for reverse osmosis filters, one of the best types of filters available. You can expect to hear some odd sounds from the faucets and drains right after an RO filter is installed. This is normal. If it keeps up, however, you need to have the installation checked to see if something was done incorrectly.

  • Turbidity or bad tasting water. Okay, we did say at the top of the post that this was too obvious a sign. But when filters start to fail, these problems will begin to slowly affect the water, giving you a chance to catch the problem before it becomes more serious. Turbidity is how cloudy the water is. Hold up a glass of water to the light to check on it. Bad tastes in water include metallic or salty tastes. If you have a water softener, the salty taste may mean the system is putting too much sodium into the water to counteract hard water minerals.

You can trust to our plumbers no matter what kind of filtration system you use. We work with a wide range of water quality solutions.

Contact Continental Plumbing Services, LLC today.
We’re ready to solve your plumbing problems!

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